La Leçon Particulière by The Francis Lai Orchestra (13 Days in Japan – Live Tokyo)

La Leçon Particulière by The Francis Lai Orchestra
(Live Tokyo – Japan)
From the concert « 13 Days in Japan »
A show produced by EDITIONS 23 & FGL PRODUCTIONS
Recorded in Tokyo in October 2023


FRANCIS LAI ORCHESTRA under the direction of Jacques Ferchit & Jacky Delance,
Featuring :
Piano : Jacky DELANCE
Trumpet / Bugle : Claude EGEA
Sax & Flute : Naomi KOMOTO
Cor / Horn : Otohiko FUJITA
Trombone : Kayoko YUASA
1st Violin : Antonin ANDRE REQUENA
Alto : Takako SHIBA
Violin : Yoshie KAJIWARA
Cello : Ayumi HASHIMOTO
Keyboards : Philippe HEKIMIAN
Accordéon / Accordion : Saburo TANOOKA
Percussions : Marin LAMBERT
Drums : Christophe DUBOIS
Guitar : Bruno BONGARCON
Bass Guitar : Tony BONFILS
Vocals : Lorène DEVIENNE & Katia PLACHEZ


Find all of this works and OSTs on :

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Don’t miss all the Greatest Hits and Soundtracks by the Legendary Composer & Academy Award Winner Francis Lai :

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